When NUb cigars debuted in 2008, Oliva Cigars started a revolution by begging the question: What if you could start smoking your cigar at the point where it has the richest amount of flavor and strength? The answer was a line of very short and portly handmade cigars with approximately the same amount of long-filler tobaccos as traditional-length cigars, that could also be smoked and enjoyed in relatively the same amount of time; in some cases, as long as an hour.
Made in Estelí, Nicaragua with a Nicaraguan long-filler core presented in a variety of wrappers, Oliva's blenders observed that cigars fully develop their flavor and strength, which they call ""the sweet spot,"" about 1/3 of the way in. The challenge was to create a cigar with just the right proportion of tobacco, length, and ring gauge that, when lit, promised to ""open"" the sweet spot immediately and hold it throughout the entire length of the smoke. After numerous trials and tribulations, Oliva finally delivered on the promise, and NUb cigars took the cigar world by storm. Other manufacturers followed, but beware of imitations, because there's ONLY one NUb.